Class Activities

Identification of common available medicine at every home

Topic: Identification of common available medicine at every home
Time: 30-50 minutes
To identify commonly available medicine at your home or at your hostel room.

Materials identify
• Medicine hunt document; Potential uses of Medicine; Potential harmful effect of medicine.

1. The class will be divided into small groups to search the medicine present at your house and prepare the document as Microsoft word file “medicine hunt” document. Allot 5-10 minutes for this task to search medicine available at home or incase at your room in hostel.  

2. The group members will search individually.

3. Incase, if you unable to find the medicine at home or hostel room then search online medicine you know.

4.After finding the medicine at home/hostel room/online search, take the picture of medicine or download the picture in case search online.

5. After that students will share the pictures with their group members and discuss on which medicine they want to include in the list or want to exclude.

6. Every group member is required to search 2 medicine individually and then lateron compile as one documents.

7. After 15 minutes, the group will prepare one document. Let’s suppose, if 5 members in one group then the group need to prepare the documents contain 10 medicine name (5×2=10).

8. Duplication of medicine identified is not allowed.

9. Once they have prepared the documents, spend 10-15 minutes identifying the answer of the questions given below.

The activity might raise some of the following questions:

  • What is the potential benefits of medicine you find at home/hostel room/search?
  • What is the potential harm of medicine you find at home/hostel room/search?

10. The group will discuss at the end of the following questions or 10-15 minutes

  • “ Why a society leads to take deviant drugs?”
  • Can we able to make a drug free society?

 The group required to discuss together within 10-15 minutes and write down a single answer inside document. Every student must open their mic while discussing the question. The webcam is optional to open during discussion.

11. To facilitate the process, the student can identify the group leader who can moderate the whole activity.

12. The lecturer will monitor each group and will give marks based on communication and performance. The marking is not part of continuous assessment or examination. The marks will determine the winner of this activity and the winner will receive a surprise gift at the end of the semester.

13. The format of the document will be Time new roman, font size 12, 1.5-line space, APA reference format.

14- Marking rubric for class activity has presented below

Marking criteriaExcellent (5)Very good (4)Good (3)Neutral (2)Fair (1)Poor (0)
All students have participated actively during the discussion.      
The students answer their all questions inside the documents.      
Each student identified two medicine.      
Students have a positive attitude during class activity.      
The document prepared well organized with according of required format.      

Credit: Dr. Muhammad Shahzad Aslam

Class Activities

Knowledge, doubt, certainty, evidence

Grade level: Beginner
Time: 50-60 minutes
To raise questions about the nature of knowledge and foster a discussion around the nature and impact of certainty and doubt in everyday contexts.

Materials needed:
• Epistemic scavenger hunt document (at least 2 )
• Orienting quotes
• Visual prompts

1. Before presenting participants with one or more of the prompts outlined above, have them gather into pairs or small groups to think about, discuss, and prepare the “epistemic scavenger hunt” document. Allot 5-10 minutes for this task to search quote or visual prompts on Knowledge, doubt, certainty, evidence.

2. The group members will search individually and select the best to distribute one or more visual prompts and/or orienting quotes. Give participants a few minutes for them to think about the prompts and/or quotes in silence before opening up space for group discussion. Encourage them to write down their thoughts during this silent period. You can also have participants turn and talk with a partner for a few minutes and then share out aspects of their conversation. Allot about 25 minutes for this part of the activity.

3. As the conversation closes, ask participants to independently complete the epistemic scavenger hunt independent sheet. Allot 5-10 minutes for this.

4. Once they have filled out a new epistemic scavenger hunt, spend the last 10-15 minutes engaging in a discussion around how their answers have changed since the first time they did the scavenger hunt. If their answers did change, inquire into their thought processes. If their answers did not change, ask them to consider what evidence might sway(control/hold) their beliefs.
The activity might raise some of the following questions:
• Do we only make decisions once we are certain of something?
• What is the nature of the balance between action and contemplation (Act of thinking)?
• Is it wise to contemplate at the expense of action? How might contextual differences impact this?
• What are potential impacts of “fools and fanatics” taking quick action while other “wiser people” are still contemplating which decision to make?


Epistemic Scavenger Hunt

Write down at least 2 thing that fits into each category as well as a short explanation of the evidence that justified this decision.

• What is something that you know for certain? How do you know about it?
• What is something you are sure no one could never know? Why can’t we know about it?
• What is something that you were certain about in the past that you now have doubts about? Why are you no longer certain?
• What historical knowledge is no longer considered knowledge? Why was this once believed and why is it no longer accepted?

Orienting Quotes
Quote 1:
“The whole problem with the world is that fools and fanatics are so sure of themselves while wiser people so full of doubts.” – Bertrand Russell
This quote is intended to provoke a discussion around the roles of doubt and certainty that might stimulate thinking around what the impact of brash certainty is within the problems we face as a society. This quote also brings forth a Socratic view of wisdom, defined by awareness of one’s own ignorance, potentially facilitating dialogue around the balance between wondering, humility and doubt, and decisive action in the world

Quote 2:
“Most of the greatest evils that man has inflicted upon man have come through people feeling quite certain about something which, in fact, was false.” – Bertrand Russell
This quote invites an historical look at knowledge production and contemplation of the ills that have been produced (or reproduced) through knowledge claims that were later revised or discarded completely (e.g. craniometry, polygenism, drapetomania, miscegenation, racial typologies, etc.).

Visual Prompts
Visual 1:

This visual, from a popular and endearing comic strip, addresses a common theme in popular culture around the relationship of knowledge, doubt, certainty, and decision making. A core theme harkens back to Socratic views of wisdom where one becomes increasingly aware of what they do not know and a kind of “analysis paralysis” that might lead one to consider the possibility that “ignorance is bliss.”

Visual 2:

This visual brings recent psychological findings to bear on the issues introduced above. Consider introducing student to this image with use of the following description.
Dunning and Kruger’s overarching hypotheses is “that people, at all performance levels, are equally poor at estimating their relative performance.”
The Dunning–Kruger effect is a cognitive bias wherein people of low ability suffer from illusory superiority, mistakenly assessing their cognitive ability as greater than it is. This illusory superiority derives from the inability of low-ability persons to recognize their own ineptitude. Without this metacognitive self-awareness, low-ability people cannot objectively evaluate their actual competence or incompetence.
This cognitive bias applies inversely to those of expert experience, thus persons of high ability tend to underestimate their relative competence and mistakenly presume that tasks that are easy for them to perform are also easy for other people to perform. As Dunning and Kruger articulate: “the miscalibration of the incompetent stems from an error about the self, whereas the miscalibration of the highly competent stems from an error about others.”

Contributed by Jordan Sherry-Wagner